Pre-2010 Images

The collection of photographic images of Hoar Oak Cottage held by The Friends span from 1904 up to the present day.  Often, more photos are offered to us and all are welcome as they help to record the story of the cottage.

If you have a photo to share do be assured that we never ask for the original – just to opportunity to make a digital copy by scanning or re-photographing.   This way precious photos stay in the family whilst being made widely available through The Friends digital channels.

This archive of The Place Collection is a work in progress and will be added to as time goes on.  Do pop back to take a look.  Notifications will be put up on social media when new tranches of photos are added.

1904.  Photo believed to be of James Maxwell Johnstone, shepherd at Hoar Oak just after the completion of the 1903/1904 extension work.  James died in March 1904 so the photo is before that date.  The line of the extension of the cottage can be seen by the change in colour of the slate tiles and the stonework.  The lean-to on the right was, so we are told, the sleeping accommodation for some of the Johnstone’s 13 children but later was used to house the family pig/s.  Provenance:  Photographer Unknown.  Provided by Graham Wills, Exmoor National Park Authority.    Archive Ref:   HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.1

1955.  This photo is believed to be from around 1955 when Abe and Gertie Antell were living in the cottage – or soon after – when they were moved out ready for the Exmoor National Park Authority to take over the cottage and the land.  The trees in front of the porch have grown considerably since the 1904 photo (HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.1) and the outbuildings at the back are covered in black corrugated iron to prevent damp penetration.  Provenance:  Photographer Unknown.  Photo supplied by Sandra Hughes-Antell.  Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.2

1965.  This image is taken from the hill behind the cottage looking towards the SE and Durdown. The outbuildings are clear.  The outhouse in the lower right corner is clear.

Provenance:  John Rodgers of Lynton.  Digital surrogate – original still with owner.

Archive Ref: HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.3  Available in hi resolution version.

1965.   Image by John Rodgers notated as being taken 8th July, 1965.  The cottage was either empty or recently emptied of residents at this time.  The windows and doors and drainpipes and gutters are still in place.  The path up to the front door, from the south, is clear and well-trodden.

Provenance:  John Rodgers, Lynton.  Digital surrogate of original still with owner.

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.4.Front   Available in hi resolution.

Archive Ref: HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.5. 1966 Donated by Chris Jones.

1966:  Image by Chris Jones who visited the cottage with friends in 1966 – soon after it had been vacated by Gert and Abe Antell.  The cottage is in good condition.  Roof is sound, chimneys in place, windows and doors in place.  One half whitewashed and window frames grey/green.

Provenance:  Chris Jones donated a digital surrogate of this image.

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.5.0    Compressed.  Higher res image available on request.


1966:  When Chris Jones and his friends visited Hoar Oak Cottage (photo above) in 1966 these posters were found inside the cottage.  Possibly a protest by the 3 Exmoor Extremists named on the poster of the loss of the cottage as a farm and a home to the Antells.  The cottage had been purchased and emptied in order to be incorporated into the Exmoor National Park Authotity.

Provenance:  Photo of poster donated as digital surrogate by Chris Jones.

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.5.1


1951?:  This image is from the time when the Antells were still living at Hoar Oak Cottage. The exact date it uncertain.  Note that the front elevation is clad in black corrugated iron sheeting to help keep out the damp.

Provenance:  Digital surrogate donated by Sandra Hughes.

Archive Ref:   HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.7  Compressed.  Higher res image available on request.

1951?:  Abe and Gert Antell at rear of cottage – sometime in the 1950s – between the north face of the cottage and the outbuildings (out of sight to the right).  Note the back wall is clear stonework but the dairy extension is clad in black corrugated iron.  See contemporary image above HOC.Place.PhotoRecord.7   Note also the stone-laid hard standing between the cottage and outbuildings.

Provenance:  Digital surrogated donated by Dorothy Bawden.

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.8. Compressed.  Higher res image available on request.    Also archived under HOC.People.Antell.

1971:  Visit by Chris Jones and friends after the cottage had been empty over 5 years.  Approaching the rear of the cottage from the Furzehill path.

Provenance:  Digital surrogate donated by Chris Jones.

Archive Ref: HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.6.0  Compressed.  Higher res image available on request.



1975?  This image shows the cottage a few years after being taken into the care of the Exmoor National Park Authority.  The windows and doors have all been blocked up with concrete blocks.  The internal walls, floors and ceilings have been removed.  The slate roof has been removed and replaced with corrugated iron sheets/plastic corrugated sheets.  The outbuildings are falling into disrepair.

Provenance:  Unknown

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.9  Compressed.  Higher Res available.

1975:  Jim Vellacott visiting Hoar Oak Cottage.  Approaching from the path leading up from Hoar Oak Water.  Degradation of cottage similar to images above circa 1970s.   The Vellacotts have a long history connected to Hoar Oak Cottage.  More on this link.

Provenance:  Digital surrogate donated by Jim and Mabel Vellacott.

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.10  Compressed. Higher res available.

1982:  Cottage gutted and boarded up but limewashed for damp.  At this time it was let by the Exmoor National Park Authority to a local farmer as an agricultural outbuilding. The interior was used by animals for shelter. Outbuildings in place but deteriorating.

Provenance:  Jim Baldwin

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.11.1   Compressed. Higher res available.

2006:  One of a series of photos of the cottage in 2006 showing attempts to stop entry by the front door.  Render in tact. Hi Resolution available.

Provenance:  Jim Baldwin

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.12.1 to 12.6

2006:  One of a series of photos of the cottage in 2006 showing levels of degradation, particularly of rooves and render falling off west face.  Hi Resolution available.

Provenance:  Jim Baldwin

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhoto.12.1 to 12.6