Post – 2010 Record Photos

2010/2011  Making the cottage safe.

By 2010 the cottage had become dangerous and the ENPA were considering taking it down.  The Friends worked with  the ENPA to suggest saving the cottage.  First, a range of safety arrangements were put in place, then, the ENPA proposed stabilisation works – reduction to a safe heritage ruin. Image shows single rail fence erected around building.  

Archive Ref: HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.Post-2010.2 Hi and Lo Res images available.

2010/2011  Making the cottage safe.

A Danger Sign was erected. 


Archive Ref: HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.Post-2010.2

2010/2011  Making the cottage safe.


As additional deterrent, single planks were nailed across ‘doorless’ front door in porch. 


Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.Post-2010.3    Hi and Lo Res images available. 



2012:  Start of the stabilisation works.  Path diversion.


When agreement for stabilisation works was reached, and funding obtained, one of the first steps was, for the safety of the public, to divert the footpath around the cottage.  A notice and a map was pinned to a post by the cottage.


Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.Post-2010.4.C   Hi and Lo Res image available. 


2012:  Start of the stabilisation works. Close-up of diversion map. 

For the safety of the public the footpath around the cottage was diverted.  There was a notice and a map pinned to a post by the cottage.

Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.Phost-2010.5.c  Hi and Lo Res available. 



2012:  Start of the stabilisation works.  Close-up of route diversion sign. 

For the safety of the public the footpath around the cottage was diverted.  There was a notice and a map pinned to a post by the cottage.  The order, under the Road Traffic Act, authorised the temporary closure of a public right of way – in this case the bridleway passing near the cottage.  It came into force July 12th, 2012. 


Archive Ref:  HOC.Place.RecordPhotos.Post-2010. 6.C   Hi and Lo Res available.